Photo of Attorney Julianne Markiewicz

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Airline miles are an important part of your divorce negotiations!

On Behalf of | Jul 21, 2021 | Divorce Law |

Airline miles are a precious commodity these days.  Following Covid, most airlines awarded mileage totals and kept silver, gold or platinum status following the pandemic for another year. If you or your soon-to-be ex-spouse have accumulated airline miles during your marriage, you are able to redeem them for free flights, hotel accommodations, or other perks, and guess what? We have argued successfully that they are divisible in your dissolution!

In Minnesota, divorcing spouses receive an equitable share of the marital estate. As such, if you or your spouse have accrued airline miles during your marriage, they are often considered marital property that should be addressed during your divorce negotiations.

The value of airline miles

When planning for divorce, it is key to estimate the value of all marital assets. Because many airlines assign no cash value to miles, valuing yours may be challenging. Many carriers have assigned miles to be worth approximately 1.3 cents each. Calculating the value of the perks can be useful.

Your options

Please note that certain airlines restrict your options for dividing travel miles as part of your divorce. Some rewards programs expressly prohibit the transfer or sale of miles. Nevertheless, you may be able to redeem the airline miles your spouse has accumulated. Alternatively, your spouse may afford you cash or other assets in exchange for exclusive ownership of the airline miles.

While arguments can be made that airline miles are separate property and not subject to division during divorce, Markiewicz Law – Now Partner with Meagher & Geer, PLLP has been successful in dividing them as marital property. They are certainly of value, and worth fighting for!