Photo of Attorney Julianne Markiewicz

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The importance of hiring a financial planner post divorce

On Behalf of | Sep 11, 2020 | Divorce Law |

When you navigate your way through a divorce, you may be so exhausted at its end that you put off taking care of yourself financially afterwards.  Even though you have nagging thoughts about how to maintain financial stability once you start living on your own, any retirement monies that you had or were awarded usually sit in their current positions.

Although you know that your retirement funds may need to be rebalanced, or that you may need to open a new retirement account once the divorce is finalized, it is easier to let the funds sit. Oftentimes it is because you no longer want to use the same financial planner as your ex, and researching or finding a new one seems like a daunting task.

You may also have other financial goals in mind, such as purchasing a new home, opening up a 529 for your children or grandchildren, or saving funds for buying a second home. While hiring a financial advisor is highly recommended and will definitely move you toward these and other targeted financial goals, many women neglect to do so.  Studies show 61% of post-divorce women wind up regretting this decision later.

We can help

Here at Markiewicz Law – Now Partner with Meagher & Geer, PLLP, we don’t abandon you once the ink is dry on your divorce papers. We are committed to leading you on the path to becoming a happy and healthy single person.  That includes assisting you with everything from putting together a single monthly budget to making sure that your divorce settlement is protected and invested properly. We will work with you to put you in the hands of a financial planner or investment firm that is a fit and works for you.

Per Forbes, only 5% of women surveyed recently said that they were aware of how using a financial advisor might help them position themselves for life post-divorce. This would never happen at our firm. You will always be made aware that you have many avenues and choices.

How will a financial planner help you?

By making sure you cover all your bases

Unless this is not your first divorce, you may not have much experience when it comes to asset division and fighting for the things that you need. A good financial advisor well-versed in divorce cases will have a firm sense of how to maximize your takeaway by making sure you consider all assets, including those that might otherwise slip under the radar.

By helping you plan for your future

A financial advisor can also help you preserve the assets that you value most. For example, if you have fears about having enough set aside for retirement after your divorce, the advisor can review your accounts, look at any settlement you were awarded, and assist in diversification in your portfolio to meet your financial goals, taking into consideration your risk tolerance.

This is the rest of your life. At Markiewicz Law – Now Partner with Meagher & Geer, PLLP, we will work with you to make sure you are prepared and ready for it!