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4 social media mistakes to avoid during your divorce

On Behalf of | Jun 15, 2020 | Divorce Law |

Like all of our divorce clients, you probably use at least one social media platform on a daily basis. The Pew Research Center states that not only do most people today use social media, but this number has grown dramatically from just 5% of Americans in 2005.

Although social media is a great way to share information and engage with others, please use it cautiously when you go through the divorce process. Take care to avoid the following big mistakes while negotiating a divorce settlement with your spouse:

1. Oversharing information.

Before you post a photo, a status or another form of content online, remember that once you do this, it is incredibly difficult, if not impossible, to remove the information completely. During your divorce process, work on keeping your profile and your posts clean and free from the drama about ending your marriage.  It goes without saying that posting pictures of new girlfriends or boyfriends is a no-no.

2. Speaking negatively about your spouse.

It is tempting to turn to social media to vent about the frustrations you have with your spouse, especially as you debate property division, child custody and other issues. Remember to exercise extreme caution about posting while angry.  Instead, talk about your feelings privately with a trusted friend, family member or counselor.

3. Forgetting to change your passwords.

You may assume that your spouse either does not remember or does not know the passwords to your social media accounts.  Do not count on this! Instead of hoping he or she will not try to access your profiles, change all of your passwords as soon as practicable to protect your privacy and security and to keep your account from getting hacked.  Social media evidence in divorce cases is on the rise, and is the “new normal.”

4. Stalking your spouse.

You may find yourself obsessively checking your spouse’s social media profiles for updates, especially if your divorce is emotionally painful. Try to get rid of this habit and refrain from stalking your spouse on social media. This improves your ability to move on after your divorce and protects your emotional well-being.